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Senior Center Board Minutes 06/18/2018
Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

June 18, 2018

PRESENT:  Jeri Baker, Gary Weed, Doris Hungerford,  Joni Bonvicin, Diana Seckla, Don Abraham, Sue Campbell, Kathy Lockwood,  Dot McAndrew, Doris Johnson

ABSENT:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Ann Griffith, Johnny Cody

GUESTS:  Janice (Jeff) Sturgis, liason to the board of finance.

CALL TO ORDER:  Jeri Baker at 1:00

SECRETARY’S REPORT:   A motion to accept May 2018 minutes  with correction to the spelling of  the Chaplin’s name (Mervin) - was called for by  Diana Seckla.  Joni Bonvicin
Seconded.  Unanimous approval.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Doris Hungerford - Treasurer’s Report for May 14th - June 11th, 2018 was unanimously approved.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Jeri Baker -  Jeri Baker read a thank you note from Doris Hungerford expressing her appreciation for the flowers and well wishes as she recovered from knee surgery.  


        Director’s Notes:   Jeri Baker for Stephanie Lyon-Gould - The dedication of the new bocci courts will be upcoming in July.

        Building Use:  Gary Weed - The fire extinguishers are in good shape.  The lights will be adjusted as the days get shorter.

        Special Events:  Jeri Baker - Information will be forthcoming regarding the upcoming Concert Series.


        Memorial Bricks and Dedication Ceremony:  Sue Campbell - All is on schedule for the Ceremony to take place on Tuesday, June 26th at 1:00.   Mervin, Chaplin of the Fire Dept. will speak, the names of the dedicated will be read,  attendees will have the opportunity to
share.  Jeri Baker will recognize Diane Blackwell for her contributions to the Memorial Brick Garden.  Refreshments will be served.


        Election of Officers:  Jeri Baker - The slate of officers is running unopposed.  Chairperson - Jeri Baker.  Vice Chair - Kathy Lockwood.  Treasurer - Doris Hungerford.  Doris Johnson agreed to step up to the role of Secretary.   Unanimous approval of new board.

        Funding for Porch/Building Renovation:  Jeri Baker - The towns have approved a $15,000 expenditure for the initial plan.  Gary Weed made a motion, seconded by Diana Seckla, to approve the use of Center endowment funds up to $15,000 to complete the project. Unanimous approval.  Beginning July 1st, the specifications will be submitted to three contractors for bid.  

ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 1:30.  Gary Weed moved to adjourn.  Doris Johnson seconded.

NEXT MEETING:  September 17, 2018

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Emery
Recording Secretary